
Roman Lando - Sci-Fi author novelist

About Roman Lando

Roman Lando, the author of Progress Report and The Little Blue Log Book, is a composer, musician, web and new media designer, and he positively has too many passions, interests, and hobbies in his life.


When he’s not writing books or music, he can be found sailing, playing keys in a prog rock band, flying his drones, building crazy flight simulation rigs, and LARPing. His lifelong love and passion for hard Sci-Fi take a special place in his heart. Reading was never enough. The only way to satisfy this obsession was to write. He hopes to share his love for true Science Fiction along with his interest in history, science, philosophy, and technology with his readers.


After living in three countries on three continents and speaking three languages, Roman has finally settled in Toronto where he lives with his wife and two daughters. No dogs or cats are involved – his drones are his pets. He is now working on his second novel.