
The quadcopter, angrily buzzing, took off, flying on its own volition, like the first Crashinator did before its untimely demise. It menacingly streaked toward the road. My desperate attempts to correct its course resulted only  in slightly slowing it down. The pitch and the roll...

It all started one sunny Saturday morning when I decided it would be a perfect day to tweak an old-school drone I’d built. It was a rather large and scary quadcopter with exposed bundles of coloured wires, blinking LEDs, laser-cut skeletal chassis with 3D-printed arms...

That's it. I am officially, totally, royally screwed. Barring a miracle, I have a wonderfully bleak choice: dying of thirst, or of starvation. That is, if oxygen deprivation doesn’t kill me first. It's eerily quiet here: no whisper of fans, no hum of life support systems,...